加拿大人对移民支持率跌至30年最低 加拿大总理杜鲁多(Justin Trudeau)一直依靠移民来推动经济增长和填补劳动力缺口,但现在他却在公众舆论发生巨变后踩下了刹车。 上世纪 70 年代初,杜鲁多的父亲皮埃尔 (Pierre) 在担任总理期间倡导移民,将“多元文化主义”作为政府政策加以推广。随着时间的推移,加拿大人逐渐将国家的多样...
加拿大总理特鲁多宣布辞职 | 【加拿大总理特鲁多在执政九年多后宣布辞职】法媒报道,加拿大总理特鲁多在执政近十年后宣布辞职。 他于 1 月 6 日宣布,“尽管做出了一切努力,议会已瘫痪数月 [...] 这就是为什么我打算在该党找到替代者后辞去党领袖和总理职务” 。这一宣布是在距离下一次立法选举(将于 10 月举行...
当我们谈到加拿大,移民总是绕不过的话题。从移民的多样化价值,到经济发展的推动力量,移民塑造了这个国家的过去、现在与未来。然而,随着总理贾斯廷·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)的辞职,加拿大正迎来一次政治地震——2025年的大选可能改写移民政策的格局,而这场改革的风暴眼正是皮埃尔·波利耶夫(Pierre Poilievre)。谁是波利耶夫...
Define Trudeau Pierre Elliott. Trudeau Pierre Elliott synonyms, Trudeau Pierre Elliott pronunciation, Trudeau Pierre Elliott translation, English dictionary definition of Trudeau Pierre Elliott. Pierre Elliott 1919-2000. Canadian prime minister whose adm
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College jean de brebeuf是加拿大国内出现最多的总理的学校,其中非常出名的毕业生有#加拿大前总理Pierre Trudeau和#现总理Justin Trudeau,同时也是#魁北克省长,以及许多商政人士的母校,如#jea - 蒙特利尔小朱于20220215发布在抖音,已经收获了3.8万个喜欢,来抖音,记录
SAINT ANDREWS, N.B. — Canada needs responsible leadership, not dog-whistle and irresponsible politics, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Monday in a direct attack on new Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre.
It was lost on some of his supporters that Trudeau had first been picked to lead mainly because of his electability, not his particular vision for the country, and as time went on, it became clearer that the task was larger than the man and would eventually devour him. T...
Every Liberal MP and Leadership contender supported EVERYTHING Trudeau did for 9 years, and now they want to trick voters by swapping in another Liberal face to keep ripping off Canadians for another 4 years, just like Justin. The only way to fix what… ...
Pierre and Justin Trudeau's "awkward" conversationWhat happened when a young Justin Trudeau turned to his father, the former prime minister of Canada, for advice on entering politics?Mar 7, 2016 embed code copied Around The Web CBS News Full Episodes 2/27: CBS Evening News Plus 2/27: ...