皮埃尔·奥古斯特·雷诺阿Pierre-Auguste Renoir(1841年2月25日——1919年12月3日)法国画家。印象画派成员之一。以油画著称,亦作雕塑和版画。早年当过徒工,画过陶瓷、扇子、窗帘等。对鲁本斯及法国18世纪绘画有较深的研究。在创作上能把传统画法与印象主义方法相结合,以鲜丽透明的色彩表现阳光与空气的颤动和明朗的气...
artist:Pierre-Auguste Renoir Date:1874 Style:Impressionism Genre:portrait Media:oil,canvas During the summer of 1874, when Monet, Manet and Renoir worked in close proximity to each other, Monet’s first wife Camille most often posed for Manet and Renoir rather than her husband. Two paintings, ...
皮耶尔·奥古斯特·雷诺阿(Pierre-Auguste Renoir)高清作品《划船派对的午餐》 作品名:划船派对的午餐 艺术家:皮耶尔·奥古斯特·雷诺阿 年代:1880—1881 风格:印象派 类型:风俗画 材质:布面油彩 尺寸:172.7 x 129.5 cm 收藏:Philips Collection,Washington,DC,US 雷诺阿把这幅画卖给了艺术品经销商Paul Durand Ruel,他...
metal and glass alike. So struck was Renoir by the legacy of Pompeii that he made two views of the Vesuvian landscape in 1881 (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts); he also painted at least one still-life while visiting...
In 1882 Renoir traveled to Italy and Algeria inspired by the older generation of artists whom he admired the most, Delacroix and Ingres. While Italy afforded him the opportunity to study firsthand classical works of art, he was especially drawn to North Africa by a desire to find new and di...
This is a Hand painted oil painting reproduction of Pierre Auguste Renoir "Mlle. Irene Cahen d' Anvers 1880" - on high quality canvas and available in many sizes or choose another artwork from thousands of different oil paintings and artists. The hi...
加入Arthive 广告 Language: 汉语 log in Pierre Auguste Renoir• 绘画, 1916, 48×57 厘米 View in interiorNEW 到精选中 11 关于作品 艺术类型:绘画 题材和对象::风俗画 风格:印象派 技法:油 资料:画布 创造日期: 1916 大小: 48×57 厘米
对于已经局限于轮椅的奥古斯特·雷诺阿(Auguste Renoir),在米西亚(Misia)和阿尔弗雷德(Alfred)的房屋中建造了一个特殊的电梯,以便艺术家可以去女主人的房间摆姿势。工作完成后,米西亚(Misia)给了奥古斯特(Auguste)空张的收据,并请他自己评估这幅画。爱德华兹夫人认为(她会从下任丈夫那里得到塞特姓),雷诺阿在评估他的...
Masterpieces of Art (Flame Tree Illustrated)(共33册),这套丛书还有 《Illuminated Manuscripts. Masterpieces of Art》《Paul Nash Masterpieces of Art》《Art Nouveau. Masterpieces of Art》《Art Nouveau Posters. Masterpieces of Art》《Frida Kahlo Masterpieces of Art》等。 我来说两句 短评 ··· 热...
Pierre-Auguste Renoir. Art Department: Baby Einstein: Baby Da Vinci from Head to Toe. Pierre-Auguste Renior was born on February 25, 1841, in Limoges, France. His father was a tailor and his mother was a dressmaker. In 1845 his family moved to Paris and