皮耶罗·德拉·弗朗西斯Piero della Francesca(1415年——1492年10月12日),意大利画家。皮耶罗出生在镇博尔戈圣塞坡尔克罗,现代托斯卡纳(他也死了),到贝内代德“切斯基,一个商人,和罗马迪佩里诺达蒙泰尔基,佛罗伦萨和托斯卡纳切斯基贵族家庭的一部分。在1442年,他被列为资格桑塞波尔克罗的市议会。三年后,他收到的委托为...
artist:Piero della Francesca Date:1465 Style:Early Renaissance Genre:portrait Media:panel,tempera Tag:male-portraits,famous-people,family-portraits,female-portraits,Federico-da-Montefeltro,Battista-Sforza Dimensions:66 x 47 cm Location:Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy收藏...
皮耶罗·德拉·弗朗西斯卡(Piero della Francesca)高清作品《一个男孩的肖像》 作品名:一个男孩的肖像 艺术家:皮耶罗·德拉·弗朗西斯卡 年代:c.1483 风格:早期文艺复兴 类型:肖像 标签:儿童肖像画 收藏:西班牙马德里蒂森森博尼萨萨博物馆 Title:Portrait of a boy artist:Piero della Francesca Date:c.1483 Style:...
This painting now resides in Piero della Francesca’s hometown of San Sepolcro, at the Museo Civico. The painting depicts the figure of Christ standing over four sleeping soldiers. The artist included a self-portrait in the figure of the sleeping soldier who is dressed in brown. During World...
artist:Piero della Francesca Date:1465 Style:Early Renaissance Genre:portrait Media:panel,tempera Tag:famous-people,female-portraits,Battista-Sforza Dimensions:46.9 x 33 cm Location:Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy收藏 点赞0 作品名称:《巴蒂斯塔斯福尔扎的肖像》皮耶罗·德拉·弗朗西斯卡(Piero della Francesca...
Piero della Francesca 1416 -1492 不论是他的一生还是他的作品中 都彰显着他所处时代的知识和精神价值 也都凝聚着传统与现代 宗教与人文 理性与美学等 多方面因素对他的影响 作品欣赏 作品名称:《Battle between Heraclius and Chosroes》 图片尺寸:1057x474px ...
Piero della Francesca, The Resurrection, c. 1463-5, fresco, 225 x 200 cm (Museo Civico, Sansepolcro) Giorgio Vasari, the great sixteenth century art historian and painter, believed that Piero included his own self-portrait in this fresco. The face of the soldier in brown armor was a self...
For the greatest portraitists see: Best Portrait Artists. Biography Italian Artist Piero della Francesca was one of the most important Old Masters in Early Renaissance art. He was an expert in geometry and mathematics, as well as a leading pioneer of painting techniques such as linear perspective...
类型:肖像 介质:油画,面板,彩画 标签:男性肖像,名人,Sigismondo Malatesta 尺寸:44 x 34 cm 收藏:法国巴黎Louvre Title:Sigismondo Malatesta artist:Piero della Francesca Date:1451 Style:Early Renaissance Genre:portrait Media:oil,panel,tempera Tag:male-portraits,famous-people,Sigismondo-Malatesta ...
若雅藝術 - 皮耶羅 德拉 弗朗西斯卡 - Piero della Francesca - 意大利畫家 1419-1492 - 世界知名畫家油畫作品