Looking for online definition of Pier-to-Pier or what Pier-to-Pier stands for? Pier-to-Pier is listed in the World's most authoritative dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms
博斯科比: 在码头的尽头游泳(Boscombe: end of the pier-to-pier swim) 博斯科比: 码头的奇特艺术装置(Boscombe: curious art installation by the pier) 博斯科比: 在人行道D的转弯处02(Boscombe: around the bend on footpath D02) 博斯科比: 前人行道F起点处的大门03(Boscombe: gate at the start of fo...
pier可译为“码头,防波堤;桥墩;窗间壁”。 从词性来看,pier是名词。 其发音为:英[pɪə(r)],美[pɪr]。 以下是一些例句帮助理解其含义: 1. “There was also an open pier for fishing.”(也有一个用来钓鱼的露天码头。) 2. “In maryland the ocean city pier collapsed into the sea.”(在...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See More 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't ...
The sign says you mustn't swim under the pier. (标志牌上写着你不能在栈桥下面游泳。) The jetty protects the coastline from strong tides. (这个突堤码头保护海岸线不受汹涌的潮水的影响。) Jiaying 我们来总结一下:名词 “wharf” 和“quay” 都描述 “用来装卸船只或供乘客上下船的码头”,这两个词...
They were shipped to restaurants around the world. By the early 1900s, people were eating them faster than they could grow. Pollution was pouring into the waters. The harbor became seriously polluted.Since the 1970s, new laws have helped reduce poisonous waste. Some fish started to swim ...
They were shipped to restaurants around the world. By the early 1900s, people were eating them faster than they could grow. Pollution was pouring into the waters. The harbor became severely polluted. Since the 1970s, new laws have helped reduce poisonous waste. Some fish started to swim ...
内容简介虽然名词 “wharf、quay、pier” 和“jetty” 都可以翻译成 “码头”,但它们所指的 “码头” 类型却不同。在四个词当中,“wharf” 和“quay” 通常指 “装卸货物或供乘客上下船使用的大型码头”,而…
Steps lead down to the swim platform from where guests can enjoy days of fun on the water. PIER PRESSURE Specifications Type/Year: Azimut/2020 Refit: Beam: 6.58 m (21' 7") L.O.A.: 26.77 m (87' 10") Crew: 4 Guests: 10 Max Speed: 28 knots Cabins: 5 Engines: 2 x...
ロングマン現代英英辞典のWaterトピックのpier | LDOCE | Waterについて必要な情報: 単語と語句、表現 | Water