Cantsink is the leading producer of new construction support products. American made helical piles, piers, anchors, and more.
Our second dangerous telepost photo at above right you can see that the post top screw has bent the steel plate as it pushed into the beam, and the whole assembly is slipping off of the beam and moving to the right. Some installers place screw jacks or teleposts with the screw down ag...
Cantsink is the leading producer of new construction support products. American made helical piles, piers, anchors, and more.
Ship-bridge collisions happen from time to time globally, and the consequences are often catastrophic. Therefore, this paper pro-poses a new high-pressure water jet interference (HPWJI) method for bridge pier protection against vessel collision. Unlike traditional methods that absorb energy by anti...
The concrete top, bottom, and web slabs have thicknesses of 22 cm, 25 cm, and 45 cm, respectively. The detailed cross-sectional dimensions of the girder can be seen in Figure 2. Figure 1. Layout of the modeled bridge (unit: cm): (a) elevational dimensions and (b) plan dimensions. ...
A horizontal load is applied to the side of the cap beam, and the loading system refers to the low-cycle reciprocating test in Section 3.1 of this paper. To verify the accuracy of the finite element model, Figure 7 compares the experimental hysteresis curve with the finite element results ...