interpolation polynomial 内插多项式,插值多项式 piecewise linear interpolation 分段线性插值 piecewise polynomial approximation 分段多项式近似 piecewise polynomial space 分段多项式空间 polynomial interpolation formula 【计】 多项式插值公式 trigonometric interpolation polynomial 三角插值多项式 相似...
So norm of a periodical function with zero mean value, error of interpolation by piecewise linear functions, error of rectangular quadrature formula and the second modulus of continuity are estimated with sharp constant and stepdoi:10.1016/S1474-6670(17)39661-1Vinogradov, Oleg L....
Although the "pieces" in apiecewisedefinition need not be intervals, a function is not called "piecewiselinear" or "piecewisecontinuous" or "piecewisedifferentiable" unless the pieces are intervals. WikiMatrix For a given measurement dataset, inversion accuracy and estimation uncertainty with thepiecewis...
The spline function method is a special case, which is shown to be less accurate, for a fixed set of mesh points, than a method based directly on Hermite's interpolation formula. The determination of a suitable mesh is discussed both inductively and deductively, and a logarithmic formula for...
Next we are going to study more aboutContinuous Linear Piecewise Functionsand their relations with Step Functions and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. REFERENCES Anthony J. Macula,The Point-Slope Formula Leads to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, The College Mathematics Journal, Mathematical Assoc...
For the numeric solution of the corresponding infinite dimensional multi-point boundary value problem, a novel discretization and interpolation scheme is developed employing Chebyshev polynomial based spectral collocation techniques. The same approach is employed for the formulation of the corresponding monod...
In this formula, the signal is constructed by a linear combination of sampled polynomials. Assuming the polynomials pk,k=0,…,K, are fixed, every signal given by (3) is determined uniquely by the set of coefficients {xk}. In contrast to this, we introduce a time index also to these co...
. . , N. (3) In this formula, the signal is constructed by a linear combination of sampled polynomials. Assuming the polynomials pk, k = 0, . . . , K, are fixed, every signal given by (3) is determined uniquely by the set of coefficients {xk}. In contrast to this, we ...
So norm of a periodical function with zero mean value, error of interpolation by piecewise linear functions, error of rectangular quadrature formula and the second modulus of continuity are estimated with sharp constant and step.Oleg L. Vinogradov...
For the numerical evaluation of Cauchy principal value integrals of the form f(x)(x - λ) -1dx withλ ∈ (-1,1)and f ∈ C1[-1,1], we investigate the quadrature formula Q(n+1)Spl1[·;λ] obtained by replacing the integrand function f by its piecewise linear interpolant at an ...