piecewise linear 逐段线性 piecewise adv. [数]分段地 linear a. 1. 线的,直线的,线状的 2. 通过单独的若干阶段来发展 3. 长度 4.【数学】线性的 Linear n. 线性 a. 线的,直线的,线状的 function n.[C] 1.官能,机能 2.功能,作用;用途;目的 3.职责;职务;职业 4.重大聚会,宴会;宗教仪式...
网络片段线性函数 网络释义 1. 片段线性函数 ... 双曲线正切函数( Hyperbolic tangent function)片段线性函数(Piecewise-linear function) 双极性函数( Bipolar function… tw.myblog.yahoo.com|基于3个网页
形如\max_{i=1,...,m} (\textbf{c}_i' \textbf{x} + d_i) 的函数被称为 分段线性凸函数 (piecewise linear convex function). 一个简单的例子是 f(x) = |x| = \max\{ x, -x\} , 如图1.2(b)所示, 分段线性凸函数可以被用于近似一般凸函数....
Piecewise linear functions are typically used in scheduling models to model a known function of time.
A piecewise linear function is a function composed of some number of linear segments defined over an equal number of intervals, usually of equal size. For example, consider the function y=x^3 over the interval [1,2]. If y(x) is approximated by a piecewis
Piecewise linear function ParaCrawl Corpus The Piecewise Ramp Stress pattern defines stress as apiecewise linear functionof time. ParaCrawl Corpus Since the graph of a linear function is a line, the graph of apiecewise linear functionconsists of line segments and rays. ...
piecewise linear 逐段线性 piecewise adv. [数]分段地 discrimination n. 1.歧视 2.辨别;辨别力,识别力 3.区别 linear a. 1. 线的,直线的,线状的 2. 通过单独的若干阶段来发展 3. 长度 4.【数学】线性的 Linear n. 线性 a. 线的,直线的,线状的 function n.[C] 1.官能,机能 2.功能,作...
Module 1: Linear Functions Search for: Piecewise Linear FunctionsLearning Objectives Introduction to piecewise functions Define piecewise function Evaluate a piecewise function Write a piecewise function given an application Graph Piecewise Functions Given a piecewise-defined function, sketch a graph Write...
PIECEWISE LINEAR FUNCTION.The article presents information on piecewise linear function. It refers to a function that is formed by linear segments or one that approximates a nonlinear function by linear segments.EBSCO_bspEncyclopedia of Operations Research & Management Science...
The relationship between the walking speed and the exercise intensity is expressed as apiecewise linearfunction based on a known value. patents-wipo The handshaking lemma is also used in proofs of Sperner's lemma and of thepiecewise linearcase of the mountain climbing problem. ...