Piecewise Nonlinear Frequency Modulation Waveform for MIMO Radar We propose a piecewise nonlinear frequency modulation (PNLFM) waveform for a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar. Each subpulse in the waveform set... Caicai,Gao,Kah,... - 《IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal ...
Piecewise linear frequency modulation waveformAmbiguity functionCoherent frequency diverse arrayIn transmit beampattern design, it is desirable to maximize the power around locations of interest. Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar transmits orthogonal waveforms, which is hardly achievable in ...
As for a basic isometric time domain signal 𝑓(𝑡)=cos(2𝜋𝑡)ft=cos2πt, the variation in the signal waveform shown in Figure 1 can reflect the extrapolation process more intuitively. The original cosine signal is sampled uniformly by 2048 points within 𝑡∈(−4,4)t∈−4,4,...
As for a basic isometric time domain signal 𝑓(𝑡)=cos(2𝜋𝑡)ft=cos2πt, the variation in the signal waveform shown in Figure 1 can reflect the extrapolation process more intuitively. The original cosine signal is sampled uniformly by 2048 points within 𝑡∈(−4,4)t∈−4,4,...