step function, piecewise function, examples and step by step solutions, algebra mistakes, Intermediate Algebra
I have a piecewise function such: x=0:1:10; s1=(x>=0 & x<=5); s2=(x>5 & x<=10); y(s1)=2.*x(s1)+5; y(s2)=-2.*x(s2)+25; plot(x,y) and I need to control the visibility of its two parts. If I push the button a part disappears. ...
Graph the following piecewise linear function: {eq}f(x) = \left\{\begin{matrix} -3x+1 & x \lt -2\\ 4 & -2 \leq x \lt 3\\ 2x-3 & x \geq 3 \end{matrix}\right. {/eq} The equation of a Straight Line: A linear equation...
Help with piecewise function? Can't use... Learn more about piecewise, symbolic, calculus Symbolic Math Toolbox
Invalid argument at position 2. Symbolic function expected 3 input arguments but received 1. Error in fminsearch (line 200) I tried already to convert the symbolic function with matlabFunction, but there i get the error Unable to generate code for piecewise for use in anonymous function...
Optimizers can effectively handle these separable functions, which are the ones that appear in our examples. A piecewise-linear function is convex if successive slopes are nondecreasing (along with the breakpoints), and is concave if the slopes are nonincreasing. The two kinds of piecewise-linear ...
(x) dx was usually interpreted as requiring the evalua- tion of a complex integral, valid for x ∈ C. This immedi- ately ruled out the possibility of formulating problems such as |x| dx, because the absolute value function is not dif- ferentiable in the complex plane. With domain ...