piece of poop (n.) [poop n.2 (3)] (Aus.) a term of contempt. 1986 1986 T. Winton That Eye, The Sky 39: I hate yer big flubbery guts and yer pig face and yer crybaby old man [...] and yer scrawney plucked-chook-piece-of-poop old lady. I hate yez! [Ibid.] 71: ...
with the staff have lots of families with kids as customers, and it's always lively. For each seat, a television set is attached. When we go there on a Wednesday at 7 o'clock, the kids have their mouths wide open and stare at the television set, looking silly, stuck like glue. ...
She, of course, denies this and knocks Brook to the floor. Luffy, finding all this hilarious, asks Brook if the skeleton can poop, to which Brook replies yes only for Sanji to berate them both for their choice of questions. Opting for his own take on things, he then starts to shout...
The Kuja Pirates' ship is actually pulled by two of these creatures. This helps them move through the Calm Belt when they otherwise might be stuck in place. 270 votes Are they strong? 13 Lapahn Photo: Toei Animation Drum Island is home to the Lapahn, a species of bipedal, giant-...
I mean, I haven't had every dessert on Earth, but I did eat a large portion of this blueberry maple cake today and it was incredible.TSMSo were the blueberry oatmeal cookies, the crème Brule cupcakes and did I mention she also recently added chocolate covered macarons on a stick....
Usopp tends to have rotten eggs as part of his arsenal, albeit more as a distraction tool, than a weapon. Vergo, back during his early days as a Marine spy, introduced himself to Sengoku with a fried egg stuck to his face. Notably, according to a SBS question, every member of the St...