The queen, rook, and pawn are specified by name in these cases, for example, "winning a queen", "losing a rook", or "sacrificing a pawn" (Just & Burg 2003:5).The context should make the intended meaning clear (Burgess 2009:523) (Hooper & Whyld 1992:307)....
The Knight has remained the same sinceChaturanga, which is widely regarded as the first form of Chess. Its original Sanskit name isasvaorashwa, which meant horse. The Persians called it anasp, and the Arabs called it afaras, both words meaning horse. When Chess reached Europe, the concept...
a marriage that is now moribund.La notteis both a meditation on the meaning of a dying marriage as well as a contemplation of death itself. The opening scene of the film is that of Lidia and Giovanni visiting a close friend and colleague who is on his literal death bed. Later that same...
Kol as a term has been corrupted by the Aryan-Sanskritic speakers to the word "kalu", meaning both "black" and "ugly" in almost all of the 16 languages of the Indian sub continent. The indigenous people were "long-headed, dark skinned, broad-nosed, and short in stature. Sometimes la...