Excel has several types ofPie Charts. Now, we will discuss the types ofPie chartsand get a brief idea about them.2-D Pie Chartsare the standardPie Charts. It is the most commonPie Chart.3-D Pie Chartsbring depth to2-D Pie Charts. These charts seem better than2-D Pie Charts. Howeve...
After selecting the option, Excel will display the pie chart below. We can see that the above pie chart has divided each allocation category into different divisions and colors. Also, colors representing the division or allocation are shown at the bottom of the chart. It is known as the lege...
We canCreate a Pie Chartto show the above data in a compact graph. The belowExcel Pie Chartshows the percentage sales contribution values for each slice or the juice brand. We can now analyze the statistics easily, as the slices have sizes relative to the respective brand’s contribution tow...
Step 5: Filtering Pie Chart Select the Pie Chart. Select Chart Filters. Select the Value tab. Select the fields you want to show in your Pie Chart. Selected the first 3 months. Select Apply. See that you have Filtered your pie chart as you wanted. Step 6: Exploding Pie Chart in Exce...
本文将介绍如何在Excel中使用PieChart进行饼图分析。 首先,打开Excel并导入需要进行分析的数据。假设我们有一份销售额数据,包含产品名称和对应的销售额。我们将使用这个数据来进行饼图分析。 1.选择数据:在Excel中,选择你的数据集。确保你选择了正确的列和行。 2.插入饼图:在Excel的菜单栏中,找到“插入”选项,并...
How to Create an Excel Pie Chart? A D V E R T I S E M E N T Here is the step-by-step guide to create an outstanding Excel pie chart: A D V E R T I S E M E N T Key in the data illustrated below accordingly as we will use it as our example to create chart. ...
We show you how to create a Pie Chart in Excel, explode it, and customize its colors, labels, and positioning.
How to Use the Excel Pie Chart First, after you’ve downloaded our template for free on this page, you are able to customize the title, sections, and values to fit whatever you might require. Second, simply alter the data on the chart using the straightforward tools to fit your needs. ...
Excel Charts - Pie Chart - Pie charts show the size of the items in one data series, proportional to the sum of the items. The data points in a Pie chart are shown as a percentage of the whole Pie.
Excel has a variety of in-built charts that can be used to visualize data. And creating these charts in Excel only takes a few clicks. Among all these Excel chart types, there has been one that has been a subject of a lot of debate over time. ...