int main(void){pid_t pid;pid = fork;if (pid < 0){perror("fork failed");exit(1);}if (pid == 0) {int i;for (i = 3; i > 0; i--){printf("This is the child\n");sleep(1);}// exit with code 3 for test.exit(3);}else{int stat_val;wait(&stat_val);if (WIFEXITED(...
int main() { pid_t pid; pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { /* child process */ value += 25; return 0; } else if (pid > 0) { /* parent process */ wait(NULL); printf("PARENT: value = %d", value); /* line A */ ...
User::LeaveIfError( iStatus.Int() ); iStunclient = CSTUNClient::NewL( retransmitInterval, serveraddress, serverport, protocol, iSocketServ, iConnection, *iDeltatimer, *this, obtainsharedsecret, failifnoSRVrecordfound, icmpUsed, iMux );if( ut_cstunbinding::iActiveSchedulerWait.IsStarted() ...
Synchronous execution means you have to wait for the job to finish before you can continue. Where defined Set internally See also The-Koption ofbsub BSUB_CHK_RESREQ When theBSUB_CHK_RESREQvariable is set,bsubchecks the syntax of the resource requirement selection string without actually submit...