wait和wait_pid区别 wait&waitpid 区别 wait的函数原型是: #include<sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> pid_t wait(int *status) 进程一旦调用了wait,就立即阻塞自己,由wait自动分析是 否当前进程的某个子进程已...
1. waitpid能等待一个特定的子进程,而wait只能等待任意的子进程。 2. 系统一旦调用wait函数就会阻塞父进程来等待,直到子进程的退出才停止阻塞,而waitpid提供了非阻塞方式的等待,也就是 WNOHANG参数。 3. waitpid支持作业控制,提供用于检查wait和waitpid返回状态的宏,这两个函数返回的子进程的状态都保存在status指针中。
status 指定保存子进程返回值和结束方式的地址 status为NULL表示直接释放子进程PCB,不接收返回值 示例 #include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<sys/types.h>#include<sys/wait.h>intmain(){intstatus;pid_t pid;if((pid=fork())<0){perror(“fork”);exit(-1);}elseif(pid==0){sleep(1);exit...
int main(void){pid_t pid;pid = fork;if (pid < 0){perror("fork failed");exit(1);}if (pid == 0) {int i;for (i = 3; i > 0; i--){printf("This is the child\n");sleep(1);}// exit with code 3 for test.exit(3);}else{int stat_val;wait(&stat_val);if (WIFEXITED(...
pid_twaitpid(pid_tpid,int*status,inoptions);成功:返回清理掉的子进程ID;失败:-1(无子进程)特殊参数和返回情况:参数pid:>0回收指定ID的子进程 -1回收任意子进程(相当于wait)0回收和当前调用waitpid一个组的所有子进程 -1回收指定进程组内的任意子进程 返回0:参3为WNOHANG,且子进程正在...
...() { pid_t pid, pid_wait; int status; pid = fork(); // 创建子进程 if (-1==pid) { // 检查是否创建成功...Child process ID: %d\n", pid); pid_wait = waitpid(pid, &status, 0); // 等待指定进程号的子进程 printf("Child...\n", pid_wait); } return 0; } 结果(...
TError TTask::Wait() { auto lock = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(ForkLock); if (Running) { pid_t pid = Pid; int status; lock.unlock(); /* main thread could be blocked on lock that we're holding */ if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) == pid) ...
int PidWaiter::Wait(int* status) { RefillStatuses(); if (statuses_.empty()) { if (last_errno_ == 0) return 0; errno = last_errno_; last_errno_ = 0; return -1; } const auto& entry = statuses_.front(); pid_t pid = entry.first; *status = entry.second; statuses_.pop_front...
AnINTEGER(C_PID_T). stat_loc AnINTENT(OUT)INTEGER(C_INT). The wait status is assigned tostat_loc. It can be interpreted usingwexitstatus,wifcontinued,wifexited,wifsignaled,wifstopped,wstopsig, orwtermsig. options AnINTEGER(C_INT). The value of the corresponding actual argument must be one...
pid_t pid; pid=fork(); if(pid<0) /* 如果出错 */ printf("error occurred!n"); else if(pid==0) /* 如果是子进程 */ exit(0); else /* 如果是父进程 */ sleep(60); /* 休眠60秒,这段时间里,父进程什么也干不了 */ wait(NULL); /* 收集僵尸进程 */}sleep的作用是让进程休眠指定的...