基于遗传算法的PID控制器参数优化.doc,基于遗传算法的PID控制器参数优化 摘要 PID控制器现已在工程实际中得到了广泛的应用。控制器的参数优化与系统的稳态工况有很大的联系,是控制系统设计的核心内容。因此,在目前PID控制器参数优化的研究具有十分重大的工程实践意义。
【单选题】K-means算法中K表示___。 A. 聚类得到的类别数 B. 聚类算法迭代的次数 C. 样本间距离计算的方法 D. 算法性能的评价指标 查看完整题目与答案 【单选题】设有字符序列(Q,H,C,.Y,P,A,M,S,R,D,F,X),问新序列(H,Q,C, Y,A,P,M,S,D,R,P,X)是下列哪一个排序算法一趟扫描...
Evolution strategies evolve individuals by means of mutation and intermediate and discrete recombination. ES algorithms are designed particularly to solve problems in the real-value domain. They use self-adaptation to adjust control parameters of the search. Evolutionary programming (EP) involves ...
A faithful implementation of the equation will actually not result in a good controller. To obtain a good PID controller it is also necessary to consider。Figure 6.3 Noise filtering and high frequency roll off Set point weighting and 2 DOF Windup Tuning Computer implementationIn the 17、case ...
什么是PID调节及PID调节的基本原理 目前工业自动化水平已成为衡量各行各业现代化水平的一个重要标志。同时,控制理论的发展也经历了古典控制理论、现代控制理论和智能控制理论三个阶段。智能控制的典型实例是模糊全自动洗衣机等。自动控制系统可分为开环控制系统和闭环控制系统。一个控制系统包括控制器﹑传感器﹑变送器﹑...
sogoodm.com 2. ThesimulationindicatesthatthiscontrollersqualityisbetterthangeneralPIDcontrollerinaspect. 仿真结果表明,该控制器在控制量品质、动态性能、稳态精度等方面都优于常规PID控制器。 www.dictall.com 3. YouseeastrongvibrationincaseofPIDcontrolwhichmeansnecessityof re-adjustment ofparametersbyengineersat the...
Evolution strategies evolve individuals by means of mutation and intermediate and discrete recombination. ES algorithms are designed particularly to solve problems in the real-value domain. They use self-adaptation to adjust control parameters of the search. Evolutionary programming (EP) involves population...
摘要:针对目前国内外热处理计算机控制系统的控制策略模型,讨论了改进型的PID控制算法、模糊PID控制算法、专家式PID控制算法及计算机控制策略发展趋势的若干问题。关键词:控制策略PID控制算法模糊控制专家式PID控制算法Computer Control Tactics in Heat Treatment Process Xie Songyun,Zhang Jian,Wang Gongwang (...
Tuning a PID controller is the process of determining the ideal values forKp,Ki,andKdin order to achieve the desired response.In some systems, you may want the control variable to reach the set point as quickly as possible even it if means overshooting the set point. In other cases, overs...
Absolute error means-is there a big difference in the PV and SP or a little difference? Rate of change of error means-is the difference between the PV or SP getting smaller or larger as time goes on. When there is a process upset, meaning, when the process variable or the setpoint ...