Pictures from the Battle of Verdun reveal the hardship and horror of WW1, as well as the shocking aftermath.WWI relicsand photos of hardened soldiers reveal the grueling truths about trench life and display a very human side of war. By the end of the ten-month battle, very little changed...
Graduation from basic training is filled with ceremony and pride and emotion. A few soldiers are selected to don the uniforms worn by soldiers of previous American conflicts from the American Revolution to present day. My son was asked to represent the soldiers of World War I. my son ww1 Tr...
In ‘MY Boy is dead’, a moving poem by tour great WW1 poet H Smalley-Sarson, I read this line :‘THe day he got his Blue’. Does it refer to a diplma at the uned of University ? SOS I am translating WW1 poems by Canadians, soldiers or civilians … Thank you very much Reply...
A common tip in the German army new soldiers is: Piss in your boots and walk around till they a dry. A always thought that's bs but in the light of your instructable it makes kinda sense. 2 replies phunky_phantom13 years ago this stems from WW1 when the British and Germans used to...