Seen above, a common spacecraft bus could be fitted with a variety of mission-specific modules: Mars descent vehicle, Venus descent vehicle, and an orbital synthetic-aperture radar mapper. In addition, a Mars orbital instrument package and the Earth-orbiting Astron space telescope used this bus....
Venus is the second planet from our Sun, and Earth’sclosest neighboring planet. It also has the dubious honor of being the hottest planet in the Solar System. While farther away from the Sun than Mercury, it has a thick atmosphere made up primarily of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and n...
which is silicon dioxide) is chemically reduced to elemental silicon at high temperatures, yielding molten silicon which is then allowed to cool and solidify. This piece was from the top of the container so it shows one kind of surface on the top and quite a different ...
The small cutoff circle is where the seed crystal was attached, where that seed was lowered into a pool of molten silicon and this crystal slowly pulled out, sticking to the solidified material by surface tension and then solidifying itself. Source: Ethan Currens Contributor: Ethan Currens ...
Some of the oldest rocks on Earth, dating almost 4 billion years old, were found lurking beneath Western Australia. Learn more about it in this article. Potentially Hazardous Asteroid the Size of Washington Monument To Come Closer to Earth, NASA Warns ...
I had the “Denise,” my wife had the “Venus,” we shared a plate of great tasting tapas, and sadly had to be on our way. Adios España! Planes, A Train, A Bus, and An Automobile Why the Pooping Magnets? While we hated to leave, it was time to head back home. Barcelona air...
This is the color view, following processing to add reflection spectra data, gives a better indication of the actual color of the surface. Initially thought to be rocks or ice blocks, they are more pebble-sized. Titan by Huygens: A Giant Leap ESA/NASA/JPL/University of Arizona This ...
Oxygen bars were a fad for a while, I think it's kind of over now, but you can still buy cans of concentrated oxygen (they say they are about 80%, compared to the 21% natural concentration in air) meant to be inhaled for non-medical reasons. In a proper oxygen bar you sit arou...
One of the best-known weird plants is theVenus flytrap, a species found naturally in just a small region on the United States’ East Coast in North and South Carolina. The distinctive hinged ‘jaws’ of this plant are actually modified leaves. On the inner surface of the leaves are trigger...
Vénus de Milosculpture; the monumentalVictoire de Samothraceof the Hellenistic period; the immenseWedding Feast at Canapainting by Veronese (1563); Sandro Botticelli'sVenus and the Three Gracesfresco; andLiberty Leading the People(1831) by Eugène Delacroix, depicting the Parisian uprising of July ...