C. I'm looking forward to our class meeting! D. What do they mean? E. We can see who knows the most. F. Let's start by thinking about different kinds of signs.-We need to prepare for the class meeting about public signs.—(1)F-Like traffic signs, right?-Yes, and then we ...
It’s a scary thing to suddenly hit a deep pothole while driving 55 mph. Sometimes, I come upon one, and it is too late to swerve. This happens at night a lot. Though I have memorized where some of the worst ones are, sometimes I just don’t think about it until I’m upon one...
Learn the meanings of traffic signs. Knowing, for example, that French drivers always yield to the car on their right (unless signs indicate otherwise) will help you avoid problems. 5 Ride the bus. Trains are faster, but buses link cities with smaller towns and villages. Much of Provence ...