In extreme cases, partial or complete nail removal may be required to get rid of the infection on the toes. If the infection is incurable and starts spreading to other parts of the feet, the doctor may suggest toe amputation to prevent further damage. Generally toe amputation is the last re...
Charcot Foot disorder is a medical condition that leads to weakening of the bones in the foot. The disease is also known as Charcot Joint and Neuropathic Osteoarthropathy. It is a very severe disorder that can give rise to disability, serious deformity and amputation. Charcot Foot History Medical...
An amputation is the removal of a body extremity: usually a limb, finger, or toe. The main reasons for amputation are...
Amputations.People who take Invokana may be more likely to have an amputation (limb or part of a limb cut off) than people who do not take Invokana. The toe, part of the foot, or part of the leg were most often involved. Amputations seem more likely in people with diabetes,peripheral ...
People who take Glyxambi may be more likely to have an amputation (limb or part of a limb cut off) than people who do not take Glyxambi. The toe, part of the foot, or part of the leg were most often involved. Amputations seem more likely in people with diabetes, peripheral artery ...
Typically, someone begins the process of being fitted for a prosthesis when the site of amputation has totally healed. It may take several tries to find a limb which fits and feels comfortable, and training is required to show the patient how to use the limb properly and how to wear it....
(my mom, husband and myself) achiness was gone or significantly better. my husband had developed a diabetic ulcer in early January 2009 and when his toe (right above the ulcer) was broken, it led to rapid infection and resulted in an amputation of his fourth toe. He was lucky. We ...
Then, a friend told me about compression garments. She gave me a pair of gloves that are designed to apply slight pressure to my joints as long as I have them on. This eases the swelling and pain of arthritis. I wear them around the house a lot, and I can play my instruments much...
Having had a bad injury as a child which resulted in a compond fracture and torn tendons just above the knee which resulted in a 'toe drop' condition. Years later an operation was done to transfer a tendon (the one that moves the foot inwards, i.e. towards the other foot.) It proved...
Shortness of breath Amputations. People who take Synjardy may be more likely to have an amputation (limb or part of a limb cut off) than people who do not take Synjardy. The toe, part of the foot, or part of the leg were most often involved. Amputations seem more likely in people wi...