This weather station is NON-SOLAR build. It is using a power hungry Raspberry PI (for iot, data logging, weather camera, flight radar) + Arduino for polling all the sensors. Solar powering it would be possible of course, if you decide to go that way make sure you way oversize both th...
Antarctic scale worm: The glitzy frilly horror show with giant protruding jaws that look like Alien's xenomorph Newly discovered super-Earth orbits in and out of its star's habitable zone. Could life survive its extreme climate? Can your eyes get sunburned? Science news this week: Doomsday pre...
fantasy, and animation. Visitors can marvel at seeing original costumes and replicas of fan favorites, such as R2-D2 and C-3PO, Edward Scissor Hands and E.T, toH.R. Giger‘s grotesque Xenomorph head. Each floor almost felt like a maze that you didn’t mind getting lost in,...