American Battleship USS Wisconsin on builders trials, 1988 (Photo by Ingalls Shipbuilding as it appeared in the "Wisconsin Homepage") Scanned and contributed by Mike Green. American Battleship USS Wisconsin as she appeared at the end of World War II (Official U.S. Navy photograph). Scanned an...
P I C T U R E S O F T H E M O N T H | P I C T U R E S O F T H E M O N T H Time Machine DOUBLEtruck Magazine • POD: Pictures Of the Day Time Machine • zPhotojournal • zReportage • ZUMA
P I C T U R E S O F T H E M O N T H | P I C T U R E S O F T H E M O N T H Time Machine DOUBLEtruck Magazine • POD: Pictures Of the Day Time Machine • zPhotojournal • zReportage • ZUMA
P I C T U R E S O F T H E M O N T H | P I C T U R E S O F T H E M O N T H Time Machine DOUBLEtruck Magazine • POD: Pictures Of the Day Time Machine • zPhotojournal • zReportage • ZUMA
Air Force F-104 intercepted the USS Enterprise in the Star Trek first season episode, "Tomorrow is Yesterday". In the remastered version of the episode, the stock footage was replaced by Computer-Generated Imagery.An F-104G Starfighter in the guise of an NF-104A was featured in the 1983 ...