The tonsilsand adenoids are composed of tissues similar to the lymph nodesor glands found in the neck or other parts of the body. Together, they are part of a ring of glandular tissue (Waldeyer's ring) encircling the back of the throat. Where are your tonsils and adenoids? The tonsils a...
The tonsilsand adenoids are composed of tissues similar to the lymph nodesor glands found in the neck or other parts of the body. Together, they are part of a ring of glandular tissue (Waldeyer's ring) encircling the back of the throat. Where are your tonsils and adenoids? The tonsils a...
The parapharyngeal space is described as a potential space located in the head and neck, particularly at the pharynx. This is part of the throat and, by extension, the digestive system. The "para" prefix and the alternate term "lateral pharyngeal space" refer to the space being lateral to,...
A pharyngeal pouch is a pocket that can form in the mucous coat of the pharynx, the part of the throat below the mouth and nasal...
called the posterior and anterior nares. The anterior nares are the external openings of the nose and are the openings most commonly referred to as nostrils. The posterior nares are the internal pair of openings leading from the back of the nasal cavity to the pharynx and then to the lungs....
If the lingual tonsil is verified as cancerous or malignant, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and another surgery may be necessary [9]. References: Ekberg O & Aksglaede K, Radiology of the Pharynx and the Esophagus, Springer Science & Business Media, 2004, pp 60-61 ...
The types of tonsils are: Palatine Tonsils - There are two palatine tonsils, which are located in the back of the throat and on each side of the pharynx. They are the only type of tonsils that can be seen when people open their mouth. Adenoids - They are located on the roof of the...
You don't need to get close to a grouper fish to see that it has an enormous mouth and some teeth. Yet, they use bony tooth plates at the back of the throat (pharynx) and their powerful jaws to crush prey to death - rather than biting it. ...
If the constrictors located in the pharynx become paralyzed due to lesions, a condition referred to as dysphagia may occur. Dysphagia is the medical term for having difficulty when swallowing. This can range from mildly annoying to being severely debilitating. Sometimes the lesions cause paralysis ...
Earthworm castings are the remains leftover after an earthworm has digested organic matter. This material is often used an organic plant food because of its high nutrient content. Earthworm casting are typically produced by adding several earthworms to piles of organic matter. The castings are then ...