Over 600 fans have voted on the 10+ items on Best Space Selfies. Current Top 3: Neil Armstrong Took This Shot Of Buzz Aldrin, With His Own Reflection In The ...
Over 600 fans have voted on the 10+ items on Best Space Selfies. Current Top 3: Neil Armstrong Took This Shot Of Buzz Aldrin, With His Own Reflection In The ...
ISS Tech No, There Aren't 'Cosmic Fireflies' Spotted From the ISS; NASA Astronaut Clarifies The 'cosmic fireflies' seen from the International Space Station are not what we think it is. by Isaiah RichardSpace NASA, SpaceX's Crew-9 Is a Go for Launch This Week, But It Comes With Crew...
This image was captured in 1995 by the the Hubble Space Telescope. The pillars are each a staggering 4-5 light-years in length, and represent only a small portion of the much large Eagle Nebula, which resides about 7,000 light-years from Earth. The distinctive structure of the pillars is...
NASA's Earth Observatory website posted this lovely pair today, for Valentines Day. Pictured on the left, frozen Lake Saint Clair in the North American Great Lakes system. On the right, the briny Salinas Las Barrancas in Argentina. The two bodies of water have little in common, but from ...
An orange hue envelops the Earth, known as "airglow", a phenomenon that occurs when ultraviolet radiation hits molecules in the atmosphere and creates a band of light that reaches 50 to 400 miles high, in this image taken on board the International Space Station (ISS), on Oct 7, 2018. ...
This is a collection of free (public domain) pictures that you can use for your science fair project. You are free to download these images and print them. Please cite the source of the picture.
Our entire planet is a little under 13,000 kilometers in diameter, or about seven orders of magnitude greater than the size of a human.
来自太空的北极光(Aurora Borealis from Space) 将卫星发射到轨道 火箭起飞的cg动画 卫星在轨视频 卫星夜视地球图(Satellite View of Earth at Night) 人造卫星环绕地球 卫星变焦制作单元(Satellite Zoom Production Element) 从国际空间站到北大西洋(North Atlantic Ocean from ISS) HDR卫星天线(HDR Satell...
cargo bay with doors that open along the length of its top, a feature which makes the Space Shuttle unique among present spacecraft. This feature made possible the deployment of large satellites such as the Hubble Space Telescope, and also to capture and return large payloads back to Earth....