The location of the Blue Horsehead Nebula in Mid-June (Mid-Northern Latitudes). Image Created usingStellarium. You’ll find this nebula by first looking for the bright orange star Antares in Scorpius. From here, star-hop North to the next bright star in Scorpius, Nu Scorpii (Jabbah), which...
The setup shown above was featured in one of my videos where I photographed the Horsehead Nebula from my backyard. The same basic principles of long-exposure night sky photography apply to this configuration. The only difference is that the star tracker allows me to shoot exposures of up to...
Horsehead Nebula Rearing in Space Photo: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (AURA/STScI) The Horsehead Nebula, or Barnard 33, rears its head in the midst of the constellation Orion. The mushroom cap of gas and dust is captured here by Hubble in infrared light. The use of this lig...
Horsehead Nebula Horsehead Nebula Buy This at Also known as Barnard 33, the Horsehead Nebula is the dark nebula within the constellation of Orion. The nebula was first recorded in 1888 by Williamina Fleming taken at Harvard College Observatory. It is one of the most recognized n...
Orion Star Chart including the location of Alnilam in Orion’s Belt.Kim Kaler. Deep-Sky Objects TheHorsehead Nebula, Flame Nebula, and Orion Nebula lie very close to Orion’s Belt in the night sky from our perspective on Earth. The Horsehead Nebula is located just below Alnitak, and the ...
Horsehead Nebula Rosette Nebula Eastern Veil Nebula Western Veil Nebula Crescent Nebula Pacman Nebula Jellyfish Nebula Wizard Nebula Related Articles The Best Astrophotography Telescopes Available (for planets, galaxies, and nebulae) 3 Easy Astrophotography Targets for Beginners The Benefits of Using a Dob...
Notable Deep-Sky Objects:Orion Nebula,Horsehead Nebula,Witch Head Nebula My astrophotography images captured in the Orion constellation. The Orion Constellation The most noticeable part of Orion is the pattern calledOrion’s Belt. This Belt contains three brightly aligned stars,Alnitak(Zeta), Alnilam ...
TheBlue Horsehead Nebulacaptured using the Star Adventurer GTi and Radian 61. (2.5 hours exposure) Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi The one major missing feature of the original Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer star tracker was GoTo functionality. “GoTo” simply means that you can pick an object in ...