Christian Art and Paintings: Abraham Art | Agnus Dei Art | Angel Art | Annunciation Art | Celtic Stone Cross Art | Christian Symbols and Art | Christmas Art | David | Easter Art | Elijah | Passion of Christ by Tissot | Gideon | Hebrew-Jewish Art | Holy Week Art | Jacob | Jesus' ...
"Michael Warrior of GOD" MMXXIV" This gallery is devoted to the holy angels who God has sent to minister to us and protect us every day... Angels:(from the Latin Angelus meaning messenger)area race of spiritual beings intermediate between God and men; described in Hebrew, Christian, and...
naked, is the antithesis of the Holy Family of the Child Christ, his Mother Mary, and protective Father Joseph, humbly clothed.Bronzino’s aristocratic, sexy, urbane Venus is the perverse antithesis of the plebian, sexless, ingenuous Mary.Christianity has been left behind and Classicism perversely...
St. Patrick’s Day Symbols Particular Irish symbols get prominent play on St Patrick’s celebrations for decorative purposes: Shamrocks –The three leaf clovers St. Patrick himself allegedly used to teach about Christianity’s Holy Trinity concept. Leprechauns –Cute fairy creatures from Celtic folklo...
Hanukkah, the Jewish holiday celebrating the re-dedication of the holy temple in Jerusalem, is an important yearly tradition for many families. The eight-day event, also known as the "Festival of Lights," is commemorated by lighting a...