infested with the larval forms of the tapeworm. The presence of flea tape worms in the dog's droppings or coming out through the dog's anus (the tapeworm segments will often migrate out of the dog's anus of their own accord, looking like white maggots) is proof that fleas are about. ...
The presence of flea tape worms in the dog's droppings or coming out through the dog's anus (the tapeworm segments will often migrate out of the dog's anus of their own accord, looking like white maggots) is proof that fleas or dog lice are about. ...
The tapeworm actually consists of many white segments, joined together like a tape. They tape together and can get to be several feet long. Then they drop off to multiply. It is the segments that are seen as they shed. These segments contain the eggs which look like wiggling grains of ri...