While it may seem like the photographer used some type of special effects to achieve this image, it was actually just great timing and a stroke of luck! All that happened was that when the frog leaped, the photographer snapped, and it (the leap) got caught in the picture’s exposure. L...
Kowit Maechaem Farmstay features non-water sport and outdoor activities such as hiking trails for you to sweat it out. What type of water sports activities are readily available at Kowit Maechaem Farmstay? Kowit Maechaem Farmstay features water sport activities including fishing for you to make...
As part of the sweat bee group, these bees are attracted to human sweat but they aren’t aggressive towards people. 9. Tripartite Sweat Bee Tripartite Sweat Bee This species (Halictus tripartitus) is part of the Halitcidate genus. It has brown antennae and a brown head. The thorax is al...
24. Sweat Bee Photo: USGS Native Bee Inventory and Monitoring Laboratory Wikimedia Commons Public Domain 676 votes Is this creepy? next up join our community Chill yourself to the bone with the Graveyard Shift newsletter... if you dare! SubscribeBy subscribing, you agree to our...
24. Sweat Bee Photo: USGS Native Bee Inventory and Monitoring Laboratory Wikimedia Commons Public Domain 676 votes Is this creepy? Filed under: Animals Photos WTF Graveyard Shift Weird Nature Flora & Fauna Science 15 MORE LISTS Bugs & Creepy Crawlies ...
Hippopotamus Has pink anti-bacterial sweat! Hippopotamus gorgops The eyes of Hippopotamus gorgops were positioned on eyestalks which allowed it to see above the water surface when submerged. Hoary Bat The hoary bat travels hundreds of miles south for the winter Hobo Spider The Hobo Spider travel...
The memory of the aftermath of many a fraternity party from my younger days permeated the air as the smell of liquor, sweat, vomit, and who knows what other bodily functions began to penetrate my nostrils. If the aroma didn’t bring back such great memories it probably would be enough to...
of sweat and toil from this operation and the shape of the triangular pads allow for fine contouring of the piece. Use a Dremel rotary tool to prepare the flaring for the lashing and bow holes to shape, they are too small in this design to fit files or do it by hand with sandpaper....
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of a Scoripion Sting? Scorpion stings are painful, and they can be fatal, especially children. Scorpions may sting more than once. The stinger, located at the end of the tail segment is usually not lost or left in the person's tissue after a sting. ...
for foundation are mica, bismuth oxychloride, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. The spheres here are probably silica, which acts as an anticaking agent, bulking agent, opacifying agent and suspending agent. Silica also typically absorbs sweat and oil, reduces light reflection and improves ...