Because there are no tests to definitively diagnose guttate psoriasis, severe cases like this will typically require a battery of tests. These tests can help exclude other causes (such ascutaneous T-cell lymphomaorsyphilis) and check for likely triggers (most commonly strep throat orchronic tonsil...
A fungal infection can be independently confirmed by performing a variety of simple tests. Rashes produced by bacterial infections The most common bacterial infections of the skin are folliculitis and impetigo. Staph or strep germs may cause folliculitis and/or impetigo, two conditions that are much...
Acnecan appear as red bumps, whiteheads, blackheads, pus-filled pimples (pustules), or cysts (acne that penetrates deep into the skin). The type of acne people get depends on what is responsible for clogging the pores. Most of the time acne is caused by hormones. Hormones called androgens...
Guttate psoriasis: Guttate psoriasis, more common in children and young adults, often occurs after a respiratory infection such as strep throat. Guttate psoriasis occurs predominantly on the torso, arms, and legs, and produces individual, pink, scaly spots that can itch severely. Inverse psoriasis...
He had acne when the treatments weren't as developed, but after he had a strep throat and his acne cleared dramatically on the antibiotics, his doctor thought he might be on to something and started him on antibiotics long-term. They really helped. By the time he was 25 or so, his ...
(scale) on the drop-like lesion that is finer than the scale in plaque psoriasis. This type of psoriasis if commonly triggered by a streptococcal (bacterial) infection. About two to three weeks following a bout of strep throat, a person's lesions may erupt. This outbreak can go away and...
(scale) on the drop-like lesion that is finer than the scale in plaque psoriasis. This type of psoriasis if commonly triggered by a streptococcal (bacterial) infection. About two to three weeks following a bout of strep throat, a person's lesions may erupt. This outbreak can go away and...
(scale) on the drop-like lesion that is finer than the scale in plaque psoriasis. This type of psoriasis if commonly triggered by a streptococcal (bacterial) infection. About two to three weeks following a bout of strep throat, a person's lesions may erupt. This outbreak can go away and...
Fungal infectionsare fairly common. Yeasts are botanically related to fungi and can cause skin rashes. These tend to affect folds of skin (like the skin under the breasts or the groin). They look fiery red and have pustules (blisters) around the edges. ...
Fungal infectionsare fairly common. Yeasts are botanically related to fungi and can cause skin rashes. These tend to affect folds of skin (like the skin under the breasts or the groin). They look fiery red and have pustules (blisters) around the edges. ...