Fungal infectionsare fairly common. Yeasts are botanically related to fungi and can cause skin rashes. These tend to affect folds of skin (like the skin under the breasts or the groin). They look fiery red and have pustules (blisters) around the edges. Fungus and yeast infections have little...
When hair follicles do not exfoliate naturally, they can become clogged with dead skin and cause a bumpy skin rash calledkeratosis pilaris. This commonly occurs on thearms, thighs, cheeks, and buttocks and results from a buildup of keratin in the pores. Although it is not harmful, many peop...
Ringworm is a common fungal skin disorder otherwise known as "tinea" or dermatophytosis. It is caused by a fungus that can live on skin, surfaces like gym floors, and household items like towels, bedding, and clothes. While there are multiple forms of ringworm, the most common forms affec...
The fungus usually affects the folds of the skin such as groin and breast region. Eczema, atopic dermatitis, athlete’s foot, ringworm, candida, jock itch, and nail infection are some of the common fungal infections. The signs of fungal and bacterial infections depend on the type of organism...
Hives, ringworm, warts: just a few skin conditions often seen in babies and children. How can you recognize these common childhood conditions -- and is home treatment possible? Find out from WebMD.
Asian woman care feet with cracked and dry heel skin cream at home. chormail A close-up of a foot with a fungus on the nails is examined by a doctor in gloves smile23 Glittering feet of anonymous woman dasha11 Close-up of bare foot walking on stones, outdoors activity bilanol Foot ski...
Dandruff arewhitish, greasy, thin skin flakes, few millimeters in size, appearing in the hair and falling onshoulders. The scalp skin is itchy and may be reddened. The common cause is fungusMalassezia furfur(formerly known asPityrosporum ovale) that normally lives on the scalp, but may over...
These tough growths form on the soles of the feet. You get them when a virus enters your body through broken skin. They can spread through skin-to-skin contact or on surfaces in places like public pools and showers. The warts are harmless, so you don't have to treat them. In many ...
Fungus gnats are easy to identify because they are dark gray or black flies with slender bodies, long legs, antennae, and transparent wings. How To Get Rid of the Small Flying Bug in the House To eliminate fungus gnats from potting soil, make a soil drench by mixing one-part hydrogen per...
At this point, they feel rubbery, soft, and doughy beneath the skin. Lipomas are usually found on neck, back, shoulder, and arms, though they can appear on other parts of the body as well. In addition, men are more likely to have multiple lipomas than women, though both sexes are ...