A chartered plane carrying tonnes of California cherries arrived Monday evening in Zhengzhou, capital of the central province of Henan. Beijing busts 13 ivory trafficking cases in half year More than 520 pieces of ivory and ivory products were seized in 13 trafficking cases from October to April...
Elderly patients have more skin cancers. IMAGES Skin Cancer 0 See Images What are the signs and symptoms of skin cancer? Most basal cell carcinomas have few if any symptoms. Squamous cell carcinomas may be painful. Both forms of skin cancer may appear as a sore that bleeds, oozes, crust...
Is your skin itching, breaking out, covered in a rash, or playing host to spots of some sort? It may be the result of infection, a chronic skin condition, or contact with an allergen or irritant. This WebMD slideshow shows you how to spot skin problems c
Pinprick spots which spread quickly and then become purple or red blotches. The pinprick spots can be harder to see on black skin but may be more visible on the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands. The rash doesn't fade (or 'blanch'), even for a few seconds, when presse...
Those unpleasant white flakes on the collar of your dark shirt or blouse are dandruff. Dandruff is a sign that the skin of the scalpis peeling off (exfoliating). It is perfectly normal for the skin to exfoliate. The problem arises when the amount of dandruff becomes an eyesore. ...
that the breed we know today was developed over hundreds of generations by the indigenous Chukchi people (who lived in the Arctic coastal region of Northern Siberia) as a nimble sled dog capable of pulling light loads over exceedingly long distances in some of the world’s harshest conditions....
Skin Conditions Resource Center Professionals The Legionella pneumophila bacteria are tagged with a monoclonal antibody treated with a fluorescein dye. After binding to the bacteria the slide is viewed under ultraviolet light, and the bacterial cell walls glow green. The early symptoms of avian ...
The people commonly affected by cutaneous horns are adults, mostly the elderly between the ages of sixty to seventy and with a history of significant exposure to the sun. It occurs commonly amongst individuals with lighter, fairer skin.
000 skin disorders known to dermatology. Changes in color or texture can result from inflammation, infection, or allergic reactions anywhere on the body. Some skin conditions can be minor, temporary, and easily treated -- while others can be very serious, and even life-threatening. Read on to...
Lastly, only some of the large list of STDs provided by The STI Project are linked with STD pictures. The other STDs are STDs which produce very few external symptoms (ones visible on the skin) or are not detectable visually. So, do not stop here. Use this as a reference, and then ...