a true picture of the boy at the spinning-wheel—the features were exactly the same.Charming and lifelike stood the little marble form,and yet the wheel of the year has turned more than a thousand times
A pendulum clock is a type of time keeping device that includes a disk that is used to weigh down a pendulum rod as it moves from...
11, 1924. Copying-telegraphs.-To maintain the picturecarrying drums at the transmitting and receiving stations in synchronism a stop associated with each drum is periodically released by the closure of a circuit by a simple pendulum device at the same station. Figs. 2 and 3 show transmitting ...
This picture is out of date: I've since added more mercury that came from a leaking barometer I got at a school auction, and cleaned it all up by using a coffee filter with a pinhole in the bottom of it (a technique I learned fromTimothy Brumleve). Amazingly, you can simply let dir...
Pic 12. Ready to assemble the pendulum. Pics 13 and 14. Cut the head off of one of the screws. Take the headless screw and glue it into the hole in the end of the shaft. As the glue sets make sure the screw is straight. I used CA glue here. ...
Linear Clock: Round clocks are so 20th century! Here's something a bit more post modern and obtuse. I'll be showing you here another full design project, from idea to design to prototype. The object of our desire today is a linear clock, th
The European mantis hunts mainly by sight. Information about its surroundings are provided by the insect’s large, forward-facing compound eyes, and by three small, simple eyes positioned between the compound eyes on the top of the head. ...
Fish pose Matsyasana Fish is a pose that increases the strength and flexibility of the shoulders and neck. See useful hints and tips with great yoga video footage
Finding desk toys for a hard worker can be fun, and such the large selection allows for many tastes. Not all desk toys are silly in nature, like the Zen garden, they can add to the beauty and peaceful atmosphere of an office. Choose desk toys to match the personality of the recipient...
Don’t bend the knees beyond the point of mild discomfort. This is an excellent yoga posture to do in the Sun Salutations especially if you have low back problems. Entering a mild Chair Pose (Less than the on the way up and the way down will greatly relieve pressure and tension around ...