Shubunkins are slightly different from Comet and Common goldfish, although they all have streamlined bodies and single-tail fins. Shubunkins typically have a more rounded body shape with flowing and long fins similar to the comet goldfish. They are also found in a range of colors, and calic...
Both Fantail Goldfish and Ryukin Goldfish are recommended for the beginner, but like all the goldfish with this rounded body shape, they can be susceptible to swim bladder problems. Other good beginner fancy goldfish are Common Goldfish, Comet Goldfish, the Shubunkin, and the Black Moor. These ...
The goldfish of today are descendants of a species of wild carp known as the Prussian Carp, Silver Prussian carp, or Gibel CarpCarassius gibelio(syn:Carassius auratus gibelio), which was described by Bloch in 1782. These wild carp originated in Asia; Central Asia (Siberia). They inhabit the...
tanks throughout the world. Their hardiness and ability to live in cold temperatures make them ideal pets. Instead of having the long, slender body of the Common Goldfish or the Shubunkins, the Pearlscale is one of the more rounded or egg-shaped fancy goldfish. They have a straight back ...