Some examples of conditions linked with overuse syndrome are: shin splints, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and trigger finger. The early warning signs can be stiffness, pain, soreness, inflammation, and heat. Over time, the symptoms will grow more intense and more sustained. Eventually, overuse...
The shin muscle is a muscle in the lower leg that helps with balance and is essential for foot and toe mobility. It's the most...
Among the most common injuries are flat feet, weak arches, bunions, corns, calluses, plantar Facsitus (heel pain), Achilles Tendinitis (tendon pain), frequent ankle sprains, shin splints and knee, hip and back pains. There are two general methods for recognizing excessive pronation: 1. The...
Aquarobics is a type of aerobic exercise done in a swimming pool. There are two principles underlying aquarobics: first, the idea...
Shin Splints Shin splint symptoms are throbbing, aching, or stabbing pain on the insides of the lower leg. Shin splints are a repetitive use injury that may occur in runners or those who are beginning to exercise. Pain occurs when muscles and tendons around the tibia (the larger of the two...
stand upright with a slight forward lean, and pick your feet up high off the ground so you don't catch a toe in a crack in the sidewalk. Speaking of toes, it's best to run more on the toe or front of your foot, running on the heel will increase your chance of shin splints. Ev...
Pay attention to your body and be aware of possible injuries like shin splints. See a doctor for any chronic pain or other health concerns you may have. If you have certain medical conditions, it may be harmful for you to run very long distances. Things You'll Need Good condition, ligh...
@naturesgurl3 -- I think that while you could wear it in the shower, the whole point of wearing an air cast is that you can take it off, so that you can shower without it. So although you probably could wear one in the shower, you really shouldn't, and there's really no reason...
You can wear it in the shower covered like any other cast, if you can't put any weight on the foot and might slip in the shower. You can't wear it uncovered as there is a lot of padding, etc., that would not be good if wet!