KINGS OF THE ROAD (Wim Wenders) ▪ 240 - 251 - 284 - 268 - 294 - 307 - 317 - 280 - 283 - 293 - 295 - 289 - 284 - 282 - 268 - 277 - 287 - 313 - 316KISS ME DEADLY (Robert Aldrich) ▪ 428 - 389 - 265 - 265 - 298 - 302 - 306 - 345 - 334 - 317 - 359 ...
Paul Water Ski Hall of Fame Induction March 4th-5th, 2022! Panama Canal Cruise EmeraldPrincess LA to Port Everglades February 11th-February 27th, 2022! Fly LA, BestWestern, Fridas Lunch February 11th, 2022! CovidTest, Board Emerald Princess, Depart PortEverglades February 12th, 2022! Sea Day...
327 Steamboat Bill, Jr. Keaton, Buster/Charles F. Reisner 1928 US 71 BW . 329 Manchurian Candidate, The Frankenheimer, John 1962 US 126 BW . 330 Shadow of a Doubt Hitchcock, Alfred 1943 US 108 BW . 331 Easy Rider Hopper, Dennis 1969 US 94 Col . 336 Hustler, The Rossen, Robert ...
11. Nanook of the North (Robert Flaherty, 1922) 12. Tie Xi Qu: West of the Tracks (Wang Bing, 2003) 13. The Quince Tree Sun (Víctor Erice, 1992) 14. The Hour of the Furnaces (Octavio Getino & Fernando E. Solanas, 1968)