Red Squirrel PEST? It’s fun to spot wildlife on your hike through the forest. If you’re lucky, you may get a glimpse of a red squirrel like this one. A nut collector, Removing Red Squirrels can be an on going and messy clean up project! Persistent with many brothers and sisters th...
»You Say Potato – I Say Fuck you« is a website and collection of pictures of anthropomorphic objects started by artist Clara Bahlsen in 2006.
Along with the disgusting lack of good pieces in this kit are a truck-load of custom, aftermarket, performance, lowrider, and car-show crap that is completely misplaced when you realize you need to raid the parts bin for some dozen pieces to make the stock version. Nowhere on the kit doe...
Red Squirrel PEST? It’s fun to spot wildlife on your hike through the forest. If you’re lucky, you may get a glimpse of a red squirrel like this one. A nut collector, Removing Red Squirrels can be an on going and messy clean up project! Persistent with many brothers and sisters th...
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They will die off, the final phase of their lives coming to an end with the coming of winter. We built a treehouse for the children, a solid metal and wood contraption around an enormous tree. The monkeys love it too. A carpenter’s house The local, livelied up garbage truck Now, ...
Her two friends who were in the truck with her that night would be fine. To say that we were grateful is an understatement. However, life would not be without challenges. Julia would not be able to attend college as planned and would have to take a gap year. ...
»You Say Potato – I Say Fuck you« is a website and collection of pictures of anthropomorphic objects started by artist Clara Bahlsen in 2006.
I wondered what was going to happen. There were a lot of rules and only one of us knew what they were. Eventually he decided to try to see if he could legalize me. We sat in his truck and he called the mainland office on his radio. It wasn't easy. There was difficulty with syst...
For Chinese they are red. Mexico has multi-colored ones. All I know is, for my next wedding I will be wearing a hairy, flesh-toned ensemble because I will be buck naked with a toe tag lying on a slab in the morgue because I would have killed myself. A lot of folks were asking ...