Once a Pyogenic Granuloma is diagnosed, doctors usually recommend a removal of the growth. This helps relieve pain and any other discomfort that may be caused due to recurrent bleeding. Removal also allows physicians send the overgrown mass of tissue for biopsy and confirm whether it is a Pyogen...
Symptoms of mosquito bites include a stinging pain as it pierces the skin. This is followed by the development of itchy, red papules (small swellings) which can be skin colored in people with dark skin. Wheals may also develop as the immune system reacts to proteins in the mosquito’s sa...
Carbuncles are likely to occur on hairy areas of the body particularly at the back of the neck. But they may also be found on shoulders, thighs, groin, buttocks, and armpits. This can result in permanent scarring on the skin affected. They may be very painful if grown in closely attach...
One of the main problems associated with a spitz nevus is diagnosing it. Many other skin lesions such as hemangiomas, malignant melanoma, basal cell carcinomas, moles, and pyogenic granulomas look very similar to spitz nevi. Therefore, a biopsy of the lesion is often performed in order to ma...