You may know to look for poison ivy's three-leaf stem, but what else do you know about rash-causing plants? WebMD explores myths and facts of poison plants.
Studies on human hypersensitivity to the poison ivy plant (colored motion pictures)doi:10.1016/S0021-8707(41)90208-3ELSEVIERJournal of Allergy
For those of you who are not aware of Poison Ivy's backstory, she is typically considered a super villain in the DC universe. She has different portrayals, some with her being a person who can control plants and other depictions have her as being a greenish plant human person who can c...
Psoriasisis a chronic cause ofskin inflammationthat can also be associated with itching. Patients with psoriasistypically develop red, elevated, scaling plaques of dry, itchy skin. Atopic dermatitisis a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin that usually starts in childhood. Itching, rash, and thi...
Rub up against a pesky plant likepoison ivy, and you might end up with blisters of another sort. They’re often a symptom ofcontact dermatitis, which happens when you touch something you’re allergic to. It doesn’t have to be poisonous, though. Some people react to soap, perfume, deter...
Did you know that Fels naptha soap can be used to treat and prevent poison oak, poison sumac, and poison ivy? If you have the resin from these plants on your body, you can wash yourself with Fels naptha soap to remove the resin from your skin. ...
These tend to affect folds of skin (like the skin under the breasts or the groin). They look fiery red and have pustules (blisters) around the edges. Fungus and yeast infections have little to do with hygiene -- clean people get them, as well. Fungal rashes are not commonly acquired ...
It is the largest of three related plants in the cashew family all of which can cause skin irritation, the other two being poisonivyand poison oak. The poison sumac is distinguished by having the appearance of an ornamental, with large, alternate, toothless leaves, attractive clusters of fruit...
One of the worst things in the world is to have worked your butt off in the yard all day to discover that you are now being rewarded with poison ivy! That has got to be one of the most itchy, red rashes in all of the world!
One of the worst things in the world is to have worked your butt off in the yard all day to discover that you are now being rewarded with poison ivy! That has got to be one of the most itchy, red rashes in all of the world!