He's done so much stuff and been so many interesting places. (North American English) I've read a whole bunch of stuff by different people over the past few days. stuff (of something) (formal or literary) the most important feature of something; something that something else is base...
I think this was the first hike I’ve ever taken of my own volition and it wasn’t bad at all. There was very limited verticality and lots of solid ground to walk on with only a very limited sugar sand situation. We did see other people, which was terrible, but I guess that’s ...
Harry: I say appearance is nine-tenths of the law. People don't buy a car. They buy me. Which is why I take such good care of myself. Well-oiled hair. Clean shaved. Snappy suit. Now run along and get ready for a big day of learnin’, kid. And it's gonna be a big day ...
attended a Methodist conference in Tacoma, out of which came the commitment to build, “an institution of learning which shall by its ample facilities…command the respect and patronage of Methodist people within
We have to imagine that the first group of people to lay eyes on something like this was pretty freaked out, but it's just as natural as anything else that spews from the mouth of a volcano. Would that person really be giving such a big, sunny smile if she stood on top of lots of...
I will do this with pictures and a short description of who the people are and what was going on at the time. I expect you to research these things on your own as well. I almost always need more than one source to be convinced of something myself. Except of course when there are ...
I have one question: just how stupid do these people think we are?! This man has graduated from both Princeton and Harvard Law School. Surely when he decided to run for office, he would have familiarized himself with the requirements of the Federal Election Commission. Anyone running for off...
Tsunami videos can be very upsetting to watch if they show the reality of what happens when a mega Tsunami hits land, buildings and people. It is shameful that some people see such things as entertainment. It is impossible to understand the full power of these waves unless you have seen on...
Realist sign I’ve seen in a while Popular posts See:Today7 days30 days Funny Sites Funny Quotes File Hosting Funny Videos Random Quotes Hilarious Pics Privacy Policy Advertise on uberHumor Contact uberHumor Hosted atHivelocity [ Back to top ]...
“47. The hardest part of my job is.. being nice to stupid people.” “48. When two people really care about each other, they always find a way to make it work. No matter how hard it is..” “49. When I die, I want my tombstone to offer free WiFi, just so people will visi...