Bruce Greenwood was most recently in Ryan Murphy’s award-winning series “American Crime Story: The People vs. OJ Simpson” playing District Attorney Gil Garcetti, and as “Dr. Jake Houseman,” father of “Baby” in ABC’s recent adaptation of “Dirty Dancing.” He played the love interest...
Bruce Greenwood (Andrew Heyward) Bruce Greenwood is currently in production on the upcoming season of Ryan Murphy's "American Crime Story: The People vs. OJ Simpson" as District Attorney Gil Garcetti opposite an all star cast including John Travolta, Sarah Paulson David Schwimmer and Cuba Gooding...
12. Last week, O.J. Simpson said that one of the stars of the Netflix docu-series ‘Tiger King’ definitely killed her husband. What makes him the authority on …. oh, right, right, right, the double murder thing. 13. The Democratic Party on Thursday postponed its presidential nominatin...