If you've been browsing through my other instructables, you might have noticed that I am obsessed with Nerf guns. So far, I’ve managed to infect just about everyone around me with the Nerf virus. It is really fun to see how these plastic toys turn grown men into small boys! My main...
I was thrilled how my last nerf modification turned out, and was really inspired to try another. You can use the techniques I show you in this Instructable to create any other style of Nerf pistols, and customize them in your own way. With a simple change of color schemes and logos, ...
woodworking, embroidery, modifying Nerf blasters...) and I can tell you rug tufting is easily one of the most fulfilling. The great thing about it is that it's quite easy to learn and extremely versatile. I also love that what you make actually serves a purpose. You also don't need m...
Have you ever thought what would happen if you combine LEGO with Nerf? Well it turns out you get this... I have had two of these guns for about a year now, and want to share it with the world now that I have finished university. The concept came from the barricade, and wanted to...
Hand guard fin. Both of these guns are right handed, and since humans mostly have a right and a left, the "fin" on the hand guard interferes with your left hand. I chose to simply remove it entirely from that hand. Use your cutting disc to cut as close to the hand guard as you ...