Yet, several overconfident and ill-informed road users continue to raise their needles without clicking themselves in. This thread will bust some common myths associated with seat belts, as well as illustrate the genuine abilities of these unassuming safety devices. First, we'll use the help of ...
I miss city invisible. City invisible is easy. City invisible means you can go to a store or a restaurant and you are unlikely to see any of those same people ever again in your life. You can wear pajamas. You can fart loudly. Your kids can have a fit. You can trip and knock ove...
Toothpicks/needles 5 Keep yourself healthy against everything. You'll be dealing with everything from cuts to dysentery. Hospitals will cease to function and exist so simple problems will seem a lot more daunting. If you or a family member has a specific ailment, stockpile medications for that...
After pulling the visible bahiagrass, lay down 6-8 sheets of wet newspaper over your garden or landscape bed. Then, spread 3 inches (7.6 cm) of mulch, like grass clippings, pine needles, or compost, on top of the newspaper.[12] The newspaper will decompose, so you don’t need to ...
If you see any of the following items, do not pick them up. Instead, report them to the local council or landowner: Needles Human waste Personal hygiene products (condoms, tampons, etc.) Electrical items Dead animals Bottles of liquid Unlabeled bottles Potentially dangerous chemicals Expert Q&A...