I have had a suddenly appearing rather large mass under my ribs, and they've called it a lipoma and a benign lymphoma. This is all been determined by ultrasound alone. Suggestions of what to ask for. They don't want to biopsy it. They say its so big they could miss portions. Not...
These dogs don’t look exactly like Pitbulls, but the resemblances are still there. Both the physical appearance and overall temper of this breed are similar to that of Pitbulls, but they’re bigger, heavier, and stronger. Italian Mastiffs easily reach 120 pounds in weight and 28 inches i...
Siamese cats are at heightened risk of developing conditions such as progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), which can result in vision loss and several types of cancer, including lymphoma and intestinal cancer. Asthma and feline hyperesthesia syndrome are also commonly seen in Siamese cats. Ragdoll ...
as compared to other dogs who live between 10 and 14 years, is due to the health issues Rottweilers contract. For example, cancers like Lymphoma or Lymphosarcoma tend toaffect Rottweilersmore
It has also been said that they along with their ancestors served as a source of food, with their name Chow being derived from the Cantonese term, meaning edible. When Britian came to China for trade, they took along with them some of these dogs. In the 1820s they were put up for ...
The article mentions people being monitored after surgery or during lymphoma checkups, it sounds like sometimes it could take quite a while until problems arise. Is that right? Are there any times when chylothorax is present when there hasn't been one of the usual indicators like a chest traum...
I have had a suddenly appearing rather large mass under my ribs, and they've called it a lipoma and a benign lymphoma. This is all been determined by ultrasound alone. Suggestions of what to ask for. They don't want to biopsy it. They say its so big they could miss portions. Not...
but can it affect dogs more than people? Byanon152012— On Feb 12, 2011 Does blood cancer have to kill? Byanon127969— On Nov 18, 2010 Anyone could comment on MGUS? Any know ways of life to keep MGUS levels from rising? Byanon121111— On Oct 23, 2010 ...