Tree Galleries on the left will provide you with facts about that tree type and great pictures of that tree. Lilac trees, bushes and shrubs have a memorable wonderful sweet smell in Spring. What is great about Lilac tree flowers is their wonder array of colors. Enjoy these Pictures of the...
Lilacs have to be one of my favorite spring flowers. We had a white and purple lilac bush when I was a kid, and I have always loved their color and fragrance. I have planted some lilac bushes, but they don't produce many flowers yet. I have a neighbor who has a hedge of lilacs ...
This protea has a lilac-pìnk tone and they are one of the most sought after varieties of proteas. They have a rounded center and dark-green leaves. It’s very beautiful and insects love it! The Duchess Protea (Protea eximia) Its flowers are deep pink and purple and they have vibrant g...
Photo of a "Lilac-breasted Roller" (scientific name Coracias caudatus) bird common among the African savannahs. This cute little bird, with beautiful colors and livery, is known in English as "Superb Starling" (the scientific name is Lamprotornis superbus) and will accompany us during the ...
Shrub is another term for bush. Bushes are distinct from trees because they are usually shorter, though some can grow to 20 feet (6.096 m) tall, and they have many more stems than do trees. There are lots of ways to use bushes in gardening to create pretty foliage or even extra ...
@LisaLou - I feel the same way you do about butterfly bushes! I have two of them outside my office window and am entertained all summer long! I have only planted the purple butterfly bushes, but I have been tempted to buy one of the multi-colored ones. All of those colors on one...
As soon as the flowers bloom, begin the process of pruning by clipping a few for placement within your home. Using hedge clippers can be as effective as pruning shears, but using them to prune lilac bushes may take away from the plant's allure, giving it an overly trimmed look. Submit ...
Lilacs have to be one of my favorite spring flowers. We had a white and purple lilac bush when I was a kid, and I have always loved their color and fragrance. I have planted some lilac bushes, but they don't produce many flowers yet. I have a neighbor who has a hedge of lilacs ...
We had a very large lilac bush planted in front of our living room window when I was a kid. When the lilacs were in full bloom, the smell was unbelievably good. Some of the vines were strong enough to support my weight, so I would actually climb inside the lilac bush and enjoy the...