leprosy noun /ˈleprəsi/ /ˈleprəsi/ [uncountable] a disease that causes painful white areas on the skin and can destroy nerves, muscles, etc. see also leperTopics Health problemsc2 Oxford Collocations Dictionary Word Origin Want to learn more? Find out which words work together ...
what are the symptoms of leprosy? please help. Byanon75570— On Apr 07, 2010 I have one of my friend who has the disease from last forty years. First he said he had taken Dapsone, and now some medicine clofazimine and ofloxacine. He at present is not disfigured, but it seems that ...
The most common symptoms of leprosy vary depending on the type of leprosy involved. The main symptoms of leprosy in those who have...
Recurrence of the infection is another possible complication, which is more likely in certain types of boils. Recurrence is most common in the disease hidradenitis suppurativaand may also occur in situations in which the cause of the boil or abscess is persistent, such as the clogging of oil du...
Treatment consists of medications that are specific to the type of leishmaniasis, the species of the parasite, and the country in which the patient acquired the disease. Consultation with the CDC and an infectious disease consultant can assist with the diagnosis and treatment of cases imported into...
Cockroaches have been found to carry the pathogens that cause tuberculosis, cholera, leprosy, dysentery, and typhoid, as well as over 40 other bacteria (like salmonella) or viruses that can cause disease. Cockroaches are related to termites (Isoptera) which some authorities believe arose 100 to...
I was feeling like I had leprosy. Softener Detergent by: Anonymous I've always had skin allergies, however I was unaware of detergent allergies. I had itchy red spots after washing my bedsheets but I did not think much of it. However just 2 days ago I washed my towels with ...
Dr. Jose Rodriguez bid to stop Hansen’s Disease commonly known as leprosy. He then planned a control program that was used here and in other Asian countries. He dedicated 53 years of his existence to the control… Dioscoro Umali
After doing research, I also came across articles about non-steroid induced Cushing’s disease or syndrome. Basically, a symptom is having a large amount of fat in the lower back and/or around the spine -- SEL or Spinal Epidural Lipimatosis. Again, this is fat, which causes pain, is ...
Types of Panniculitis Panniculitis can be a disease by itself or a manifestation of some underlying disease. Panniculitis is a caused by a broad range of diseases. It is classified based on the part of the fatty tissue involved and the involvement of blood vessels in the inflammation (vasculitis...