We Love Cats and Kittens is fully owned by We Love Media LLC. It is a labour of love bringing you photos, videos and stories of every kind about cats and kittens with new posts every day. Please share and pin our pictures and stories....
Enjoy photos of some of the most beautiful Maine Coon kittens and cats you'll ever see! All are from the Megacoon Cattery in Sanford, NC.
Meet ginny, my first kitty and best friend who loves resting her feetsies on her tail Back when i was doing a bathroom reno.. my kitty found herself a chair within the new toilet Back when i was doing a bathroom reno.. my kitty found herself a chair within the new toilet Mira the ...
Whether it's pictures of adult cats or kitten pictures of the cutest kittens that you're after, our cat pictures are sure to please.The photo above features the Maine Coon, Kernes Dallas Gold. A semi-longhaired cat and one of the largest cat breeds.a...
A Gallery ofpictures of Persian catsthat showcases gorgeous cats and kittens, but as they say ...'a picture paints a thousand words' Whether you are a lover of longhaired cat breeds or not, you have to agree that this is one of the most beautiful cats around. Their distinctive long-ha...
The cats, kittens and ourselves spend many hours in the cat enclosure Jeanette and Murray’s British Shorthair Website. Murray is the builder of this incredible cat enclosure.Website: Britz British Shorthairs. Specialising in Blues and Silvers Cat Enclosures – Suppliers & Builders DIY pet enc...
For more pictures of this amazing cat house and building materials used to build it please visit: Sally’s Cat House “This is a story about a house that love built and the rescue effort through which it began. More importantly, it is a story of 13 homeless cats and their trials and ...
01of 07 Bengal Cats Have an Interesting Origin Story bubblemilkteasavannah / Instagram Given their wild ancestry,Bengal catshaven't been around all that long—and they originated in America. In the 1960s and 70s, a pediatrician named Dr. Willard Centerwall began breeding Asian leopard cats with...
promoting these breeds as well as monitoring the overall well-being of these cats. One benefit of having a cat registered is that they can compete in competitions. If people plan on breeding their cat, the registration ensures the kittens’ genetic health and unbroken lineage for potential ...
The cats later gave birth to kittens with short legs. It’s believed that all Munchkin cats come from these two stray cats. With its Dachshund-like silhouette, triangle-shaped ears, and big eyes, it’s no wonder the Munchkin cat has captured the hearts of cat lovers everywhere. This ...