Kelp Curio Bay New Zealand The green-blue Pacific waters in... Global Warming Melting Iceberg... A beautiful blue melting iceberg... Tasman Coastline South Island... A rugged section of coastline in... Killer Whale Photo Backlit Spout A large killer whale bull, A38 of the... Sea Animals...
The animals in this group live in a variety of habitats ranging from coral reefs and kelp forests to rivers, streams, and the open ocean. Another is that fish are very old on the evolutionary scale. According to fossil records, they have been on Earth for more than 500 million years!
Kelp perch Kelpfish Killifish King-of-the-salmon Kingfish Kissing gourami Knifefish Knifejaw Koi Kokanee Kokopu Kuhli loach L Labyrinth fish Ladyfish Lagena Lake chub Lake trout Lake whitefish Lampfish Lamprey Lancetfish Lanternfish Large-eye bream Largemouth bass Leaffish Leatherjacket Lefteye flounde...
Beaches come in a variety of forms such as golden or black sand, pebbles, and rocks! A beach is most often shaped by prevailing winds and waves which will decorate it with driftwood or kelp. A real treasure chest of goodies, a beach is a great place to explore and always has something...
The sea otter is known for its rafting behavior, in which between 10 and 100 sea otters float on their backs on the surface of the ocean, often anchoring themselves to kelp to prevent themselves from drifting. Why are sea otters endangered?
The world’s largest & most trusted collection of animal facts, pictures and more! Discover more than 1,000 new animals today!
EMBIOTOCIDAE PICTURES - IMAGES OF SURF PERCHES Kelp Perch - Brachyistius frenatus Shiner Perch - Cymatogaster aggregata Pile Perch - Rhacochilus vacca ENOPLOSIDAE PICTURES - IMAGES OF OLD WIFE Old Wife - Enoplosus armatus GOBIESOCIDAE PICTURES - IMAGES OF CLINGFISHES Northern Clingfish - ...
Harlequin Filefish in Nanocube Reef Eating Flake FoodAdded to Quicklist3:06Harlequin Filefish in Nanocube Reef Eating Flak... MoreCommon names False kelpfish in EnglishFilefish in EnglishHè chāng yóu in Mandarin ChineseKasago in Japanese (日本語)Marbled rockfish in Englishrockfish in Englishscorpion...
Kelp gull (Larus dominicanus) TheKelp Gullis a mid-sized gull with black / dark gray wings, white head and white chest. The species is found throughout the southern hemisphere, with one subspecies,Larus dominicanus austrinusbeing found in Antarctica and surrounding islands. ...
There was also a single Kelp Gull a species I had identified as a possible lifer when I first planned the trip but added in Chile so now it would be “just” another species for Ecuador. It was also fitting that I also had my last Nazca Booby –joining with the Swallow-tailed Gull ...