In the presence of maculopapular rash, the first question to answer is if the patient has afever. If yes, determine if they appear ill or not. If they do, the patient may either have erythema multiforme, rubeola, dengue, Kawasaki disease, rocky mountain spotted fever or Ehrlichiosis. If ...
The rash is often more pronounced and reddened in areas of skin creases, such as the axilla, the neck, the inguinal area, and in the creases of the elbow (antecubital fossa) and the knee (popliteal fossa). Ruptured capillaries in these areas may cause the resultant rash to appear as li...
The proliferation of skin cells is triggered by inflammatory chemicals produced by specialized white blood cells called T-cells. Psoriasis commonly affects the skin of the elbows, knees, and scalp. The spectrum of this disease ranges from mild with limited involvement of small areas of skin to ...
Strawberry tongue is characterized by a bright red discoloration of the tongue. Another cause of strawberry tongue in children is Kawasaki syndrome, also known as mucocutaneouslymphnode syndrome. It causes additional symptoms such as rash, enlargedlymph nodes, eye inflammation and generalized redness and...
enzymes. These characteristics help the proteins to survive cooking and digestive enzymes, making superantigens important virulence factors in food-borne disease. They also play a role in autoimmune diseases, toxic shock syndrome,diabetesand Kawasaki disease, a leading cause of acquiredheart diseasein ...
Some products may also be used to prevent certain blood vessel disorders in people with Kawasaki syndrome. How to use Immun Glob G(Igg)-Pro-Iga 0-50 Solution This medication is given by injection slowly into a vein as directed by your doctor. Your health care professional will start the...
Kawasaki Disease. A serious, but rare, blood disorder that is a cause of chronic dry lips. Sjogren's Syndrome. A kind of autoimmune disease which can damage the tear ducts and similar glands. This causes dry eyes, dry mouth, and dry mucus membranes. It's also a common cause of seriousl...