into the masseter muscle. The injection weakens the muscle so it atrophies over a period of three to six months, giving the jaw a smaller appearance. The injections may have to be repeated to maintain the results. There is no recovery period for this jaw reduction process, though results ma...
Note: Doctors do not do liposuction in the area beyond the sternomastoid muscles located on each side of the neck just below the jaw bone, as behind these muscles are vital structures of veins and arteries which supply blood to the brain. Choosing a Liposuction Surgeon Liposuction is an invas...
The person will only begin to feel pain with an abscess of a dead tooth after the abscess begins to spread to surrounding areas and puts pressure on tooth nerves that are still active. Advanced abscesses of dead teeth can lead to jaw bone infection, decay, and disfigurement, and treatment ...
I believe my lipoma is a result of an infection in my jaw bone that has cycled through periods of dormancy and activity. My one lipoma gets larger and changes shape when the infection flares up, as if it's being added to by newly encapsulated infectious cells. I plan to have the massiv...
Trust us. There are just some things that you need to see to believe, and this is definitely one of those times! Left, Left, Left, Right, Yawn Anyone that’s been in the military knows that things at home where you’re stationed can be pretty repetitive and well, boring. The same ...
This is the most common type of wisdom tooth impaction. The other types of impactions, in order of frequency of occurrence, are the vertical, horizontal, and distal types. Vertical impactions have a relatively normal orientation. (Upright or down-facing, depending on which jaw holds the tooth...
A sinus infection may affect the mucous membrane of the inferior turbinate, causing facial pain due to duct obstruction. Problems that can affect the inferior turbinates include allergic reactions, or autoimmune disease, in which the body attacks its own mucous cells rather than foreign organisms. ...
When hunting, the Komodo dragon uses anambush strategy, waiting for an animal to come close before pouncing, then following the prey until it succumbs either from blood loss due to the lizard’s anti-clotting venom, or infection caused by bacteria in the Komodo dragon’s saliva. ...
proximity to other key structures on the skull, there is a risk of the infection spreading. The maxillary sinus lie immediately below the floor of the orbit (‘eyeball socket’), to the side of the nasal cavity and above the roots of the maxillary teeth, particularly the first two molars....
Rifampin, which is a medicine commonly used to treat an infection called tuberculosis Erythromycin (Ery-Tab and others) or clarithromycin, which is a medicine used for bacterial infections Ketoconazole or itraconazole (Sporanox, Tolsura), which is a medicine used for fungal infections Ritonavir, which...