Jack in the Pulpit Arisaema triphyllumJapanese Knotweed Polygonella cuspidatum Jewelweed Impatiens capensisJimson weed Datura StramoniumJoe Pye Weed see also Gravel Root Eupatorium fistulosumJohnny jump up Viola tricolor Kudzu Pueraia lobataPink Lady Slipper Cypriedium acaule Lavender Officinalis...
five months I had it. I just followed the directions I got it with- keep in shade, water once a week, spray leaves with water sometimes and liquid fertilizer once a month. It was doing really well but than when I changed the places of some of my furniture, I had to shift its ...
A bellwort is a type of small lily native to North America. Often found in woodland hillsides, the five species ofuvulariaare more commonly known as bellwort, merrybells, or bellflowers. Recognizable by its distinctively drooping bell flower, the bellwort is a wonderful addition to woodland ...
I don't know if you are familiar with the Araceae family from your past plant experiences, but it is also the family of peace lilies and jack-in-the-pulpit if you know of those two species. The "flower," even though what people call the flower technically isn't, is just one large...