This species of worm is the only one belonging to the Komarekionidae family. It is native to the United States and is distributed across Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Tennessee, Indiana, and Illinois. It is considered a vulnerable species because of its widely dispersed distribution, and the fa...
Traveled through Ohio to Indiana, which wins the trophy for the poorest roads of he trip so far. Then we continued on to Illinois and tried to stay as far from Chicago as possible but still had horrendous traffic for the better part of an hour and a half. Myriad road construction and c...
They can also carryrat fleas, which are one of the known carriers of bubonic plague. Always use caution when handling a feral mouse or making contact with mouse excrement. Agricultural settings tend to have a higher risk of mouse infestations than urban settings. However, the severity of the ...
Eurasian eagle-owls have made a comeback in the UK. Discover some interesting facts about the eagle-owl; behavior, reproduction, habitat and why the Eurasian may become threatened again.
in Indiana, has established that a citizen has no right to self defense against a police officer, regardless of whether the officer is acting legally or illegally. (The ruling being based on the notion that a citizen attempting to defend themselves "unnecessarily escalates the level of violence...
The inside of the tube is often too slippery for the insect to climb out. When the insects fall into the pool of water on the inside, the insects are digested by enzymes or bacteria. The reason these plants formed this method of seeking nutrition is because their native soils lack ...